I’ve found the need to print a lot of JSON for recent projects. Examining the contents of a JSON, useful for initial eyeballing of the data, can be tricky as the content and formatting can be quite dense. However, there are a couple of tools that I’ve been using to make this easier.
From within a python script, use the pprint library - useful for printing any data structures:
from pprint import pprint
pprint(json_data, depth=5)
Also, if it’s a JSON string, you can print at the command line using python’s built-in json.tool
$ echo 'some_json_string' | python -m json.tool
# Or, create a shell function, e.g. within the .bashrc file:
function jprint () { echo "$@" | python -m json.tool; }
Sample usage of the function, after reloading the .bashrc file:
$ jprint '{"responseData": {"cursor":{"resultCount":"60","pages":[{"start":"0","label":1},{"start":"4","label":2}],"estimatedResultCount":"60","moreResultsUrl":"http://www.example.com/search?searchterm","searchResultTime":"0.01"}}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200}'
"responseData": {
"cursor": {
"estimatedResultCount": "60",
"moreResultsUrl": "http://www.search.com/",
"pages": [
"label": 1,
"start": "0"
"label": 2,
"start": "4"
"resultCount": "60",
"searchResultTime": "0.01"
"responseDetails": null,
"responseStatus": 200